
Eco-Slide Rx: Child Resistant Blister Packaging

Re-closable CR Blister Pack

Made from 100% recyclable paperboard, Ecoslide-RX is a child-resistant, senior-friendly compliance package that is both eco-friendly and economical. Its updated re-closable locking feature enhances consumer experience while maintaining large, easy-to-read type and graphics for clear patient instructions.

Key Features

  • Contains no plastic; internal blister requires minimal film and foil.
  • Passed CPSC protocol testing for child resistance with an F=1 rating.
  • Most cost-effective package of its kind in the market
  • Consumer testing indicates it is “easy to open,” compared to other re-closable CR packages.
  • Proven to increase medication adherence to daily dosing
Eco-Slide Rx Opening Directions: Child Resistant Blister Packaging